Wednesday, October 26, 2011

T3 News Project

This is a group project that Elizabeth, Jordan, Ryan and I did as a news broadcasting channel. We did this to help us learn about our news broadcasting vocabulary and use correct grammar.

T2.2 Recording Choice

This is a recording of me working on my vocabulary for Topic 2.2.

T2.1 Recording Choice

This was a recording that I made in class to help better understand my vocabulary in T2.1.

3.2 Recording Choice

This is a song recording that Ryan and I made in class one day helping us learn about more grammar.

3.1 Recording Choice

This is a recording that we did in class practicing our vocabulary and grammar.

Midterm Reflection

This quarter in Spanish class I learned a lot about family, friends, outdoor activities, and newscasts. I have enjoyed most the projects that we have done in this class. My favorite project was probably the one that we just did with our groups about the news report. I also enjoy singing the songs in class and for extra credit. I have had trouble with most of the grammar and conjugations. Specifically I mess up a lot with the preterite and imperfect tenses, and I think I still need to work on that. In the next quarter of the class, I think that I need to work on more studying for my vocabulary and grammar quizzes. Although I pay attention in class to the grammar that we have learned, I still need to take my own time to study the same things we have learned in class so that I can understand them on my own. To accomplish making improvement in this class, I will need to work on studying a lot. I think that is one thing that will majorly help my grade. I will also try to take all the opportunities possible for extra credit. I have taken most opportunities other than the vocabulary extra credit flash cards. I will try to do those whenever I have time or don’t understand the vocabulary. I will also try to pay more attention in class to the grammar to help me understand it more!

T2 Test Reflections

These are my reflections on the test for Topic 2 that I did not do so well on.